Saturday, March 5, 2016

O' Texas, My Texas (Or: When You're Educated and Uneducated at the Same Time)

I know I've mentioned that I'll keep my identity a secret, but you are allowed to know that I currently reside in Texas. Go figure, right?

Well, considering that Texas is the second-most populous state in the country, you still have a long way to go before you know who I really am. I can be anyone, from a college student in San Antonio to a middle-aged woman in El Paso. So...yeah, you still can't really figure out who I am.

One thing I do know about living in Texas, however, is that we tend to make some weird choices every once in a while. Sure, we do get some decent ideas every now and then (like how public colleges now have to accept AP scores if they're a 3 or above)... but we also do some not-so-good ones (like continuously electing Rick Perry until 2014 when he finally decided to retire).

But hey, even though Texas may have some flaws, I have many friends here, and life's pretty good. However, this doesn't stop me from shaking my head at some of the cray people Texas is seriously considering to elect (not Donald Trump (for now)... Ted Cruz actually won the Republican vote for Super Tuesday here. It's not much better, but hey, Donald Trump is a worse option).

I'm talking about one of the women running for my state's educational board, Mary Lou Bruner.

Mary Lou Bruner isn't much of an outsider to education, in fact, according to some sources, she has a master's in special education and has taught for 36 years, along with some other stuff.

Oh! That sounds good, right?

Well.... no, not really.

Wait... she has 36 years of experience? Why isn't that good?

Well, that's not the main problem. I mean, having a lot of experience is great! But that's not the only reason you should hire or elect someone for anything. Let's look at some of her beliefs:

The lady herself on climate change

Well, she's right: the weather doesn't feel any hotter!

OK, you may not feel any change in temperature, but do you know what does? Plants! According to the Environmental Protection Agency, plants need a very specific climate to thrive, and any change to it could affect its growth, or not make it grow at all.

But that's an American source!

Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Scottish Natural Heritage, Royal Horticultural Society, and other international organizations say the same thing (most with evidence or research to back up their claims).

(I'm going to skip her stance on dinosaurs because I don't want to start a huge fight on religion. She can keep her beliefs to herself and I'll keep mine to myself).

Her stance on school shootings

Well, what proof do you have against this?! You don't know the shooters personally!

- Seung-Hui Cho, the mastermind behind the Virginia Tech shootings, was described by his family as emotionally cold. Acquaintances also described him as having peculiar behavior and was also said to be mentally unstable. 
- One of the schools I went to was involved in a shooting-like incident during the 20th century due to some actions unrelated to religion. No more specifics will be brought up than this so you won't find out my identity,

But...wait...You said you live in Texas?! How many schools in Texas went through shootings during then?!

Just because I CURRENTLY live in Texas doesn't mean that I always went to school here. Get back on topic.

But what about the constitution one?!
None of the teachers I had that taught us about the U.S. consitution said a single word about it being corrupt... one of them even praised it.

But what about the teachers making fun of the poor?!
I've never seen that happen at the schools I went to... which were PUBLIC SCHOOLS! STUDENTS may make fun of these people... and that kind of bullying is a problem. But I've never seen a teacher make fun of a student's family's income.

But schools teaching kids there was no God...!
That also never happened. I've had teachers that aren't Christians, but none of my teachers taught us about religion AT ALL!

Moving on.

But kids shouldn't be learning about sex!!!!

While I do agree that some topics are too inappropriate for children, they should know what menstrual cycles are, and the anatomy of their own genitalia... while the actual sex talks should happen during middle school.

Wow... she's even a conspiracy theorist!

The subtitle is all I have to say about this... except that I've never heard that theory at all before and that the Democratic Party actually wanted Kennedy in office. Moving on.

But...but... Islam kills people!!!!

That is not one of Islam's ideologies. In fact, I'll just leave this here for your lovely self to see actual Qu'ran quotes about terrorism and murder.

Islam hates the Christians though!!!!
...You DO realize that Muslims believe in the Old Testament of the Bible, right? In fact, they even consider Jesus an important prophet (though not the son of God/Allah), and that Muhammad is the final prophet.

And finally...

But it IS a violation of freedom of religion!!!
NO. NO. NO. Preventing a group of people from marrying is NOT the same thing as freedom. Besides... did you know that LGBT people can be religious? Because those people are out there. 

But it's immoral!!! The Bible says so!

If you think the Bible should determine a law... we might was well do it for everything else, shall we? Here's a couple of Bible quotes we would have to live by:

Leviticus 19:19 “Neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.”

Leviticus 19:27 “Ye shall not round the corners of your heads.”

"Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." (Psalm 137:9)

So... in general... I'm not very fond of this lady. There were several, several other things she said... but I don't want to make this blog post much longer. I'm going to conclude, however, with this:

Would you hire a highly qualified person if she believed things like this, especially if its on her Facebook?

This is what happens when you're both educated and uneducated at the same time.

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