Wednesday, March 16, 2016

NOTICE: I'll be Removing Aka from Smashwords...

...but only temporarily, and let me tell you why:

I've had the past few days off, and I've had plenty of time to do other things. I spent most of it trying to finish Bela and talk to some old friends, but I thought quite a bit about the only book on my Smashwords account, Aka.

During a majority of the time I was writing Aka, I was going through some tough times. I won't go into specifics about exactly what happened, but let's just say I was, in a way, betrayed. A lot of the work that went into Aka was either old writings I refurbished and writing I did to recover from this time I was in, along with a bit of new material (like Prom Night).

I published the book on my account in the midst of recovering without much input from anyone I knew, and now I realize how stupid of a decision that was. Around 60% of the material in that book was written during my recovery, and a lot of it is basically "Why did you do this to me?" Which is quite an immature recurring theme in someone's book, isn't it? Too bad it took me two months after publishing the book to realize it.

So, I'll be removing the book and refurbishing it a bit. Consider it as someone's very fatty steak, and I'm the chef that's cutting away all the bad parts, as well as adding some garnishes and delicious sides to make the whole meal better.

You can download it all you want, but by this Sunday at the most, it'll be gone for some time. I hope I can get it back out within a month or two, but due to other work I have and my goal to finish Bela by the beginning of summer, I can't guarantee that.

Enjoy the book for now, and I hope I can make it better! :D

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