Wednesday, June 29, 2016

So Guess Who's Doing Camp NaNoWriMo this year?

You're reading a blog post from her.

Yep. I, J. E. Kay, have created an account on Camp NaNoWriMo (as Jemononokay) to work on another novel idea I have.

I may make my own cabin so y'all can join me; I may not. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

On Orlando

Hey, everyone.

I've heard about what has happened in Orlando, and my heart does go out to those affected. I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community myself, and it's horrific to hear about all of these innocent people being killed.

Since this was a few days ago, there's not much else that I can add to what has been said (though I do support proposals to ban assault weapons), but I will implore all of you to treat each other with kindness, because we all are human beings, no matter what race or gender or sexuality we are.

Eternal Blandness of the Hollywood Mind

Recently, I went to the movies to see The Jungle Book. I won't talk about it much here (since it's not the main focus of this post), but overall, it was good. Definitely not the best movie I've seen, but it was visually pleasing and definitely had a decent cast of characters. I'd probably buy it on Blu-Ray once it comes out and watch it every now and then.

However, before I saw the film, I saw two previews, both of them, at their essence, having the most generic, blander-than-white-bread plots I could think of. Y'know, the kind of plots Hollywood reuses every couple of years to make a quick buck... and by God, these plots need to stop.

So, how about we look at the two previews I saw, shall we?

Nine Lives*

Generic Plot: Overworking man is estranged from his family, but has to reconcile with them and/or redeem himself during the movie.

Similar Films: The Game Plan, Ghost Dad, Jack Frost (the one where the main character turns into a snowman), etc.

This is your typical feel-good family film where the main character, the overworking man, always sees the wrong in his ways and begins to spend more time with his family (especially with his children). The times when the father and child bond are ALWAYS used to try and get laughs from the audience, and as a result, there isn't much originality in this kind of plot. Sure, there are different elements in every movie with this plot, but those elements are really just sprinkles to cover up a stale plot reused every other year.

The Secret Life of Pets

Generic Plot: Someone is forcefully paired with their polar opposite, and can't stand said opposite! But, throughout the conflict of the film, the two learn to get along.

Similar Films: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles; Brave; Dinner for Schmucks; etc.

This plot can be used for either a kiddie or adult film, and it's almost ALWAYS "competent guy gets paired with goof-off". They go on antics for comic relief, and then surprise! Goof-off actually has a sad backstory that the competent one relates to! Oh my GOD! The only difference this time is that animals are involved.

So, in  conclusion, Hollywood... get your crap together! Show us something original for a change!